The Kid In Us….

So many of us adults walk around and are still kids. The  harbored pain guilt and shame from our childhood seems to always ease its ugly head up in our present life. No matter how good we may feel at a certain time or day. Its always bound to pay us another visit. Most of us operate out of this child without even noticing. Others its as if we are new born babies crying, screaming at the top of our lungs. I have learned and still learning on my journey how to recognize these instances where those emotions that were contrived as the young me try to surface.  As real as they may seem and feel like they are apart of you, they are not. They are just that emotions , emotions that we have carried for years as if they are valuable. The enemy devised a plan long ago against you and started to strategically plant those emotions in your life. Taking  experiences, some may even be horrifying and taking a negative emotion that relates to that experience and planting it. Day in and day out, planting it. Year after year planting it. Until you take it on as your own. The enemy is good at making things appear to be real , but always turning out to be false. We may have indeed experienced many things that coincide with these emotions or rather validate them, but its all apart of the plan.  To make it seem a certain way.  The real you will always fight against the old you. Never really having a chance to blossom to your full potential. The emotions are not valid , they are not you, they are not your portion, they are just…emotions. Emotions change with the wind. We cannot rely on these to guide us through life, being a foundation for our souls. We need something much more sturdy and dependable. The truth.

~Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” john 8:32

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